2023 Prius Prime Redesign, Asu Police Scanner, Bare Child Model Portals, Honeygrow Sesame Garlic Sauce Recipe, Articles H

case csKeyCodes.right: /* GroupBegin Subpage */ } }); //MOD EVENTS #sw-mystart-inner[data-mystart-text-color="grey"] #sw-mystart-account, #sw-mystart-inner[data-mystart-text-color="grey"] .sw-mystart-dropdown { padding: 15px 20px; /* GroupEnd */ // FOCUS FIRST ITEM ["Western Frisian", "Western Frysk", "fy"], if ($(this).next('.sw-mystart-nav').length == 0) { left: 20px; $(this).click(); color: #2a2b2c; display: none; } }, 100); } width: 100%; padding: 0px; display: inline-block; e.stopPropagation(); $(this).next('ul').attr({ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'role': 'menu' }); "url": "/domain/38", div.region span.homepage-thumb-region-number { position: absolute; max-width: 440px; vertical-align: middle; e.preventDefault(); padding-left: 0px; #cs-sw-footer-links #policy { case csKeyCodes.enter: var subList = $(this).children('ul'); $(element).next('.sw-dropdown').find('li:first-child a').focus(); "colors": { // try to capture as many custom MyStart bars as possible height: auto; $(window).scroll(parallaxScroll); $("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc-wrapper").css("height","auto"); } if($(this).parent().is(":first-child")) { function accessibility() { $(this).parents('ul').parents('li').find('a').first().focus(); //DOC auto click function for schoolwires calendar list view for small mobile devices } else { pgScreenSize(); .ui-column-one-half.region { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; $(this).focus(); //$("#sw-mystart-mypasskey").clone().appendTo("#gb-channel-list").addClass("hide960 show768"); width: 50%; e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('li').find('ul[aria-hidden=true]').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').find('a').attr('tabIndex', 0).first().focus(); } } -o-transition: all .2s linear 0s; Professional Development Day (PDD-#4) Full Day Agenda for Teachers on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 e.preventDefault(); }); } Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. width: 100%; $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); case KeyCodes.down: } else { padding: 2px 0px 0px 6px; .sp.column.two .ui-widget-header p, float: none; text-decoration: none; background: #004500; /* GroupEnd */ color: #2a2b2c; //DOC #swsignin-txt-username -- AUTO-FOCUS USERNAME SIGNIN FORM FIELD #swsignin-txt-username text-decoration: none; } $(element).find('.sw-dropdown').find('li:first-child a').focus() } span.ui-toggle { Board of Education . } } top: 230px !important; -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); .sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown-arrow { /* GroupBegin Channel Bar Styles */ -o-transition: all .2s linear 0s; right: 7px; According to state test scores, 46% of students are at least proficient in math and 47% in reading. var showTranslate = true; width: 30px; } }*/ var parallaxScroll = function(){ } NYS Education Department Recognizes FDR for Offering Students the Opportunity to Earn the Seal of Biliteracy. }); function hexToRgb(h){ if(!$("a.ui-btn-toggle.list").hasClass("active")){ } .gb.footer.two { background: #c92127 ; height: 0px; } break; } "addMethod": "append", // PREPEND OR APPEND THE TRANSLATE ELEMENT ["Igbo", "Igbo", "ig"], $("#swsignin-txt-username").focus(); $(this).val(""); $("+ " + dropdown + " " + dropdownList + " a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); $(dropdownSelector, this).attr("aria-expanded", "false").parent().removeClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden", "true").slideUp(300, "swing"); -moz-transition: all .2s linear 0s; clear: none; var slideshowSize = 'smaller'; $(thisApp).find('.ui-widget-header').css('background-color', '#f2f0ef !important').find('h1').css('color', '#2A2B2D !important'); } else if (e.keyCode == 40) { //key down "dropdown": ".sw-dropdown", $(top_level_links).focus(function () { } } else if (e.keyCode == 39) { //key right margin-top: 4px; if(showPlayPause == 'true') { margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px; $(this).parent('li').addClass(settings.menuHoverClass).find('ul').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').css('display', 'block'); } margin: 0; #sw-mystart-inner .sw-mystart-dropdown.translate { font-variant: normal; transition: all .2s linear 0s; color: white; height: 25px; border-left: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.3); #hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-container .rs-photo-gallery-desc .rs-photo-gallery-desc-more-link a, ["Kannada", "", "kn"], width: 50%; function bindMyStartBarLinks(links) { hideMyStartBarMenu(); } color: #fdd100; // FOCUS PREVIOUS ITEM Hadley-Luzerne Central School District #1 and Hadley-Luzerne CSD Unit, CSEA Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Warren County Local 857 (2005) Hadley-Luzerne Central School District and Hadley-Luzerne Central School District Non-Instructional Unit, Civil Service Employees Union, Inc. (CSEA), Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Warren County Local 857 (2000) 1:27 Aviva Kafka has served the Hyde Park Central School District for 18 years. #cs-sw-footer-links #policy { $(document).on("keydown", dropdownParent + " " + dropdownSelector, function(e) { "dropdown": ".sw-dropdown", if(!$("#gb-channel-list #sw-mystart-mypasskey").length) { //DOC add first class to first channel item padding: 0px; e.preventDefault(); padding: 12px 11px 10px 18px; margin: 0px 20px 17px 0px; openNavCallback(e, this); div.ui-widget.app.navigation li div.bullet.expandable:before { }); .sp.column.two { font-family: 'atlas'; } } $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); text-decoration: none; case KeyCodes.tab: .show768 { $(window).on('load', function(){ .gb.footer.two #social-icons { COVID updates 2022-23. } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8") > -1){ isMSIE8 = 1; } -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; } 11 Boice Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538 Phone: 845-229-4000, extension 1606 Fax: 845-229-4056 email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Summer Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. To be enrolled in the Hyde Park Central School District, you must reside within the boundaries of the school district. $("div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .ui-article-description").css("padding","0px"); }); dayWeek: "yes" -webkit-transition: all .2s linear 0s; }, border: 0 none; $(".sw-mystart-button.pw").hide(); .sp.column.one .ui-widget-header { 482 followers . $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist .sw-dropdown").slideUp().attr("aria-hidden","true"); top: 0; $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); //SHOW PHONE AND FAX NUMBERS // CAPTURE KEY CODE #sw-info-container a, #sw-info-container span { // ADJUSTE ICAL FEED HEADER #footer-disclaimer { "onTransitionStart" : function(props) {}, // props.element, props.currentRecordIndex, props.currentGalleryIndex, props.nextRecordIndex, props.nextGalleryIndex, props.mmgRecords } -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); min-height: 45px; .gb.footer.three { }*/ color: #2a2b2c; } /* GroupEnd */ #gb-header { .sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list { #gb-logo-outer { } } SUPERINTENDENT: AVIVA KAFKA. e.preventDefault(); div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents div.upcoming-column-container div.upcoming-column.right .sw-calendar-block-title, div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .sw-calendar-block-title { display: block; if (e.keyCode == 13) { #gb-logo img { Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to LinkedIn Share to Pinterest Share to Email. } color: #FFF; ul.ui-breadcrumbs > li:last-child a:before { color: #2a2b2c; "transitionSpeed" : 3, .hp.column.one .hp-column-one-upper .view-calendar-link { switch(e.keyCode) { a.more-link { color: #FFFFFF; setTimeout(function () { ["Xhosa", "isiXhosa", "xh"], right: 35px; $(top_level_nav).find('ul').find('a').attr('tabIndex', -1); } } else { #gb-footer[data-footer-text-color="white;grey"] .gb.footer.two:before, #gb-footer[data-footer-text-color="white"] .gb.footer.two:before { div.homepage-thumb-region.region-6 { return false; $(".sw-channel-item").hover(function(){ $("html, body").animate({ " /> if((logoSrc != "") && (srcSplit[srcSplitLen - 1] != "default-man.jpg")) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).next('ul').length > 0) { } display: none; -webkit-filter: brightness(0) invert(1); var channelIndex = 1; li.sw-channel-item.hover > a { }); #sw-mystart-inner[data-mystart-text-color="white;grey"] #sw-mystart-mypasskey, #sw-mystart-inner[data-mystart-text-color="white"] #sw-mystart-mypasskey { -o-transition: all .2s linear 0s; font: 600 16px 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; #gb-header[data-header-text-color="grey"] .global-icon:hover .text { } color: #2a2b2c; font-weight: normal; });*/ window.location = $(this).attr('href'); . #social-icons { "allLoaded": function(){} } } else if(slideshowSize == 'smaller') { }); bottom: 0px; }); .sw-mystart-dropdown.translate.branded .sw-dropdown { $('[id="channel-navigation"]').attr('role', 'menubar').find('li a').attr('role', 'menuitem').attr('tabindex', '0'); e.preventDefault(); max-width: 1200px; } ["Burmese", "", "my"], $("
  • " + myviewBtn + "
  • ").appendTo("#sw-myaccount-list"); Substitute Teachers are Needed The CCSD is looking for parents and community members to join the CCSD family and help fill a vital role in our schools as a substitute teacher. text-align: right; // IF THE DROPDOWN IS OPEN, CLOSE IT content: "\e901"; } width: 80%; } "useTranslatedNames": true // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS - true = TRANSLATED LANGUAGE NAME, false = ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME } //DOC replace mystart dropdown arrows } margin: 0px; } font-size: 12px; .atlas ul.sw-channel-dropdown li a { padding: 8px 0px; } /* Jim 02922461 */ #spn-content .ui-widget-header h1, }); float: none; background: #004500 !important; height: 150px; if($(this).parent().is(":first-child")) { },function(){ $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist a").unbind(); width: auto; }); } "onImageLoad" : function(props) { }, function(){ var thisDropdown = this; FY24 budget to the Boston School Committee. } "menuText": "#333333", // DEFAULT #333333 "height": $("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc-wrapper").height(), list-style-type: none; ["Scottish Gaelic", "Gidhlig na h-Alba", "gd"], $(element).next('.sw-dropdown').css('display', 'block').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); .sp.column.two .ui-widget.app, #spn-content .ui-widget.app { display: none !important; /* GroupEnd */ } $(".goog-logo-link").focus(); HPCSD Special Education Department Newsletter, HPCSD Bullying & Harassment Reporting Form, Gov. #gb-channel-list { case csKeyCodes.home: $(this).parent('li').addClass(settings.menuHoverClass).find('ul').css('display', 'block').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').find('a').attr('tabIndex', 0).last().focus(); height: 40px; // CONSUME LEFT AND UP ARROWS } }); Lamoille North 2022-2023 Annual Meeting! if (isAnyActiveOSA == 'True') { line-height: 1; } } display: block; ["Thai", "", "th"], font: 600 18px/22px 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; $('
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Hyde Park Central School District, 381 F.Supp.2d 343 (S.D.N.Y 2005), the United States District Court for the Southern District recognized that school districts could face liability for peer harassment based on a student's disability, in the same way as for peer sexual harassment. display: none; { #hp-slideshow[data-desc-text-color="grey"] .rs-photo-gallery-container .rs-photo-gallery-desc .rs-photo-caption p, content: ""; }); $(".cs-contact.fax").removeClass("hidden"); padding-right: 0px; $("#gb-logo").append('').removeClass("hidden"); case KeyCodes.right: hideChannelMenu(); $("body").viewFullSite({ #gb-channel-list-outer[data-channel-text-color="white;grey"] #rs-menu-btn:before, #gb-channel-list-outer[data-channel-text-color="white"] #rs-menu-btn:before { div.homepage-thumb-region.region-4 { $(".cs-contact.phone").removeClass("hidden"); float: left; } padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px; ["Bengali", "", "bn"], if ($(this).parent('li').find('ul').length > 0) { }); height: auto; e.preventDefault(); .show480 { color: #FFFFFF; /* GroupBegin Subpage No Nav */ display: none; $("+ " + dropdown + " " + dropdownList + " a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); // get on screen alerts Solicitud de lotera de invencin de campamento & informacin. } }); } } // CONSUME TAB KEY } margin-right: 8px; font: 400 18px/22px 'Neuton', serif; var top_level_nav = $('.sw-mystart-nav'); /* GroupBegin Subpage */ Hyde Park Central School District Financial Management Practices Thomas P. 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